
Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The Word of God

(Hebrews 4:12 NIV) For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.

Just as some of us thought that the word of God is just a plain print. But he who believes in Him  is given the authority to use His word as power and protection to  life. Just His word can do a lot of things.Even to change lives. Read the Bible and meditate on it.
(Joshua 1:8 NIV) Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

A testimony to share: God's best is fulfilled when we seek Him first

I feel my boyfriend, Ric and I are a testimony to broken hearted young adults. This is not something to brag about. If there's something that we can brag, it is how the will of God when obeyed will bring fullness into our lives.
Yesterday, Ric told me again how he felt inspired by the response of a single girl who's a dormate of her sister suffering from failed relationship.To encourage the girl, Ric told her a testimony about our relationship.
Our story went this way: After one year and five months Ric and I finally see each other. Committing not to see each other that long for the reason that; to grow, and finding the will of God into our personal lives. Ric is a seminarian in APTS Baguio ( 6hr traveling hrs. away from me). 2 semester, and he will soon graduate this September of 2011. As I am a working girl, a designer here in manila. Our relationship is lasting, in fact we are turning to 10 years this June 2011, As we realized our pact to be separated in a given time was challenging and yet full of freedom to discover ourselves. You can do whatever you want and then do it as if no one will be taken inconsideration to. One and a half year is too short to get separated to discover a lot of ourselves, for me its just a break to really make sure that we as a person in a relationship is totally who we are when we are together. Sometimes I tend to feel out of balance when everything is quite routinize. routinize in the sense that--- to sustain the relationship we have: is to call over the phone everyday to check out, is to find time to do as quite often to see each other, to celebrate special event together and so on and so forth. A good thing  indeed to keep the relationship alive. But as we hope to reach the fullness of our relationship, God put into our hearts the need to be separated from each other for a time. In that way we may realize that our fullness as one being comes from the father God and that acknowledges us the need to nurture by priority our relationship with the Father. The time  that we were apart from each other gave us the freedom to seek what it is to become a unique individual needing to share each other lives as God wills it to be. As we offered our fate to God, He provided the way for us to get back together. He controlled everything to fulfill His plan for us. Truly, I can see clearly that we are for each other and was created for a purpose. A purpose to glorify Him into  our relationship. Others asked us what's the point, for when we are in a long time relationship. That 9 years--does it mean we are not pretty sure of ourselves being together forever?, I would say, When you truly love each other you would find ways to bring it to the fullest, not lacking of anything. I sure believe that being a unique individual has its flaws too and can't fulfill all the need of a partner.But being right with God first will lead you on how to fulfill the relationship to your partner despite the flaws and imperfection of who we are. Now that we met each other, I see a change person in ourselves. We are still who we are but a lot different as being in a relationship.We became mature in our decisions: minor to major things. We become controlled by love and wisdom of being "as one" not by being individually made fitting each other "to be one".
God is the author of everything. All we can do now is to read our rough draft story that we honestly claiming our own and make God proofread it to us--in so, we can read it with quite confidence to others. A good book indeed.

We make things work for us as God leads us to. No matter how risky it is, when you trust God you find courage despite the fear. When we overcame and testify the faithfulness of God. We share it a loud to people needing to hear it.
This girl that my boyfriend is encouraging, find rest to her weary heart. We may never know when we could be of help to others. But being prepared to tell our stories of obedience to God will be beneficial to others as well to our heart of gratefulness to the Lord who sustains.

Now let's wait and see the next surprise God has set for us as we wait for the second plan in our relationship. We, in our relationship find the strength in seeking God's best. We believe that His will for us is the best plan we could ever hold for. How we can know His will? by nurturing our personal relationship to God..
Jesus as the foundation of everything we have, our relationship

(Numbers 23:19 NIV) God is not a man, that he should lie, nor a son of man, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill?

Psalm 25:12
Who is the man who fears the LORD? He will instruct him in the way he should choose.

Philemon 1:21
according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, by the sanctifying work of the Spirit, that you may obey Jesus Christ and be sprinkled with His blood: May grace and peace be yours in fullest measure.

Psalm 32:8
I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you and watch over you.

Jeremiah 29:11
For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.

Matthew 6:33
Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.

Proverbs 3:6
in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.

(Psalms 33:11-13 NIV) But the plans of the LORD stand firm forever, the purposes of his heart through all generations. {12} Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD, the people he chose for his inheritance. {13} From heaven the LORD looks down and sees all mankind;

(Psalms 84:11-12 NIV) For the LORD God is a sun and shield; the LORD bestows favor and honor; no good thing does he withhold from those whose walk is blameless. {12} O LORD Almighty, blessed is the man who trusts in you.

(Romans 5:5 NIV) And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.

(Isaiah 61:1 NIV) The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me, because the LORD has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners,

Friday, August 20, 2010

Share love when God gives you the chance to express it...

A man in his 35 years of age was stricken by a rare disease(Narcolepsy with cataplexy) and continously  struggling to be tough and to overcome thru the years. A man's rare disease when triggered by feeling of love causes him to faint and in paralysis . Could that be true? You probably might want to check out this video, and see for yourself.


Narcolepsy with cataplexy --http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17292770

         It is overwhelming to realize that  many as we are won't give much attention to express love to others.We should give great importance in expressing it. Although, with the fact that not sharing or expressing love is not a rare issue. We, people without this disease shouldn't discount ourselves of being healthy at all.  Honestly, it's not easy to just share love (sincere felt). As sinful as man are, If given the chance- we will choose to receive love than to give it -- A nature of a selfish man, a proud egoistic man that we are inside. I am not saying that we, as person have no sense of love for others at all . but at least if we are to choose to give love or to be loved, with sincerity of heart, for me-- I will choose the one that will benefit me, it is to receive love.
 Let's look at the man's situation with his disease. He faints when he feels love inside. The thing is when he starts to feel it, he would be trapped in his own body, an unresponsive body and cannot release the feeling because his muscles and nerves just turns off communicating, being paralyzed or physically shutting down in the moment he feels love inside. When this happens he just lose the chance to share and respond to the feeling with his wife of 13 years and with his family or with all of his love ones. To recover by trying to get tough and killing the feeling just to get back to reality. Even when he reminisce past events that will elate his emotions of  love would cause him to paralysis.
Now, this is just a picture of something unusual that can inspire us on our view in sharing and expressing love outwardly. We must realize that as normal as we are capable of expressing love will neglect the chance of having this opportunity at all times-- to just share and express it, even to appreciate our past of having been emotionally at state with love.
Love has its life, and if we just keep it inside or just view it as a feeling that should just be kept inside for ourselves, it's just good for nothing, a lifeless thing.

We are so blessed that we can do express our feelings normally especially to feel positive with  love. Love can be  creatively expressed-personally to share it with others. Love is love..Love can be a word for others, Love can be powerful when  just uttered. Love can be affirming when we write it. But most of all Love is magical, God showering, and God's breathing life when we express it through action and interaction with other people.

God's love is manifested through us. Share love when God gives you the chance to express it.


For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son,[a] that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. - John 3:16 
Jesus replied: " 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' – Matthew 22:37-39

A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity. - Proverbs 17:17

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. . .And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. - excerpts from 1 Corinthians 13:4-13

My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. - John 15:12-13

Share love, its free indeed!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Free Grace or Free Will

Free Grace or Free Will

John Hendryx Responds to Visitor Struggling with Free Will Vs. Free Grace

visitor: I am struggling with the Calvinism vs. Free Will debate. Why, when one "flees to Christ" as you say is there not the possibility of NOT fleeing to Christ. Is there not a choice involved here? Fleeing to Christ is not a work is it? Turning to Christ is not a work is it? Why is choosing to believe in Christ considered a work by so many Calvinists? When I believed in Christ I gave Him ALL the glory as I then understood that NOTHING I can do would satisfy God. ONLY what Christ did saves me! But I must choose to believe, trust, follow, Flee to Him! Where am I going wrong?
response: Thanks for writing with your excellent question. This hits directly at the crux of the matter. Salvation by grace alone in Christ alone was the very issue of the Reformation that Martin Luther battled the most with Erasmus and the Roman Catholic Church in the Sixteenth Century.

What is this issue of the bondage of the will all about? It points to what the Bible says is the real condition of the natural man. If we set aside church traditions for a moment go through what the Bible asserts about fallen man it may be surprising to you. First we need to establish whether or not man has a free will, according to Scripture. But how do we do this?

The Text not only says that the natural man is a sinner, but that he does not have the Spirit of God. He is not born of the Spirit. Agreed? Jesus says, Flesh gives birth to flesh and the Spirit gives birth to spirit (John 3:3,6) and "It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh is of no avail.”" (John 6:63) & Paul says that “the natural person does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are folly to him, and he is not able to understand them because they are spiritually discerned. (1 Cor 2:14). We do not receive things we think are foolish and that we do not understand. The natural man does not have the mind of Christ so even if someone preaches to him until he is blue in the face, he will not respond to the gospel unless God grants belief and repentance (see John 6:65 & 2 Tim 2:25, Eph 2:8). The Bible indeed declares that no one can believe without a preacher but this is not enough by itself …. the seed of the gospel that is cast forth from the preacher must be germinated, so to speak, by the Holy Spirit, if a person is to come to Christ. Paul explains how he knows some were chosen of God. He says, “For we know, brothers loved by God, that he has chosen you, because our gospel came to you not only in word, but also in power and in the Holy Spirit and with full conviction.” (1 Thess 1:4, 5) This is clear evidence the Spirit is necessary, not optional for a person to be made alive so he may come to Christ..without which man would remain naturally dead to the things of Christ.

The Holy Spirit is critical for salvation, so critical that without Him, no one would ever willingly submit to the humbling terms of the gospel, not one would come to Jesus Christ. Agreed? Or do you believe the Scripture teaches that a man can come to faith apart from the Holy Spirit? All true Christians affirm the necessity of the Holy Spirit. So from this very fact, we have established that man has no free will. Again, what is meant when we say no free will? We are not speaking of someone coercing us from the outside. No. It means that we are in bondage to a corruption of nature, out of which we cannot free ourselves BECAUSE WE DO NOT HAVE THE SPIRIT and hate God by nature (John 3:19). We cannot draw from our own resources to even lift a finger toward our own salvation. Jesus says in the Gospel of John to the Jews that only the Son can set them free, but they are now children of the Devil the father of lies, who lies because it is in his nature. In Romans 6 it reads that natural men are slaves to sin, and elsewhere that that Satan has taken men captive to do his will. If Christ is to set us free then it means we were not free and in bondage.

So it is important to ask, can a person, without the intervention of the Holy Spirit, believe the gospel? Does the natural person have the capacity to understand spiritual things? According to the above passages the answer is clearly no. 'No one says “Jesus is Lord” apart from the Holy Spirit.' So the unbeliever is void of the Spirit which is another way of saying that he has no free will. He may make voluntary choices but they are choices of necessity. In other words, he necessarily chooses sin, apart from grace. Nothing he does springs from a heart that loves God. His condition, if left to himself, is hopeless. God must intervene to illumine his mind, open blind eyes, unplug deaf ears, disarm his natural hostility, change our disposition and turn our heart of stone to a heart of flesh.

So if we can agree that a man will not come to Christ apart from the Holy Spirit, then we also agree and have established that the natural man has no free will. God must act if we are to do anything toward our redemption (See John 1:13).

Now that we have established this, lets take the other part of your great question.

>>>>Why, when one "flees to Christ" as you say is there not the possibility of NOT fleeing to Christ. Is there not a choice involved here? Fleeing to Christ is not a work is it? Turning to Christ is not a work is it? Why is choosing to believe in Christ considered a work by so many Calvinists?

Fleeing to Christ only becomes a work when we think we did this apart from God’s grace. If faith is a product of our unregenerate human nature then we could boast like this:

"Thank you Lord I am not like other men who do not have faith. When you granted grace to all men, others did not make use of it, BUT I DID."

Apart from grace, what makes them to differ from other men then was their native ability to have faith. But the Scripture says the grace of God makes us differ from others, not something we had by nature that our neighbor did not. When we arrive in God's presence we will not say, "Thank you God for everything, except my faith ... I am here because I had the wisdom to believe." No, we will say thank you Lord for your mercy that I even had the faith to believe. You deserve all the glory as I would have never come on my own.

Even when you think that the assistance of grace depends on your own humility and that it was not grace itself that made you humble then you no longer believe in 'grace alone' but that you came to Christ due to your own great humility. You are establishing a religion of grace PLUS your merit or wisdom or virtue, not Jesus alone. But when we recognize our faith in Christ is due to the fact that God has changed our heart so that we may see and understand his beauty and excellence, then we give all glory to God for all our salvation. Can you thank God for your faith? or is this the one thing that you can boast of contributing to the price of your salvation?

If all men have equal grace, as you seem to be suggesting, an important question to ask is why does one man believe the gospel and not another? Is one smarter, or have more natural sensitivity than others to spiritual things? Jesus says, My sheep hear my voice but some “do not believe BECAUSE [they] are not his sheep.” He does not say they are not his sheep because they do not believe (See John 10). So he reveals that the nature of the person determines the choice they will make. An unregenerate man will not exercise faith in a holy God. Jesus says a bad tree does not bear good fruit … but MAKE the tree good and its fruit will be good. …. The seed of the gospel which falls on our soil … Is this soil good by NATURE or by grace? God must first plow up the fallow ground of our hearts. To this Jesus says, "...every plant that my heavenly Father has not planted will be rooted up." - Matt 15:13. That is why Jeremiah says that he will turn our heart of stone to a heart of flesh THAT we might obey. No one believes or obeys while his heart is still stone. A blind man cannot see unless given new eyes. Shining a light into a blind man's eyes will not help him see. Nor will people respond to the word of God apart form the regenerating work of the Holy Spirit.

The Scripture testifies that, "It is not the man who wills or runs but God who has mercy (Rom 9:16) John 1:13 says it is not the will of man that causes us to believe but the new birth.

If God extends His grace to all men, then why do some reject him? Is it grace that makes men to differ from one another, not some good will God see in us.

Some important verses to contemplate are:

Romans 8:30 which says, “those who were called were justified” According to this verse, I ask you, how many of those God called were justified? The answer to this question is why no one resists God’s call.

And Jesus himself said, “ALL that the Father gives to me WILL come to me…”(John 6:37) Not some, Jesus says, but ALL that God the Father gives the SON will believe on him. We believe that grace is invincible because this is what the Bible teaches … and without which no man would willingly come. When your child runs out in the street and a car is coming, do you wait to see what he will do with his free will, or do you run to scoop him out of danger. Love doesn't just wring hands and hope but it gets the job done and, in God's case saves the ones He came for. (See John 6:39). Jesus says he will lose NONE OF ALL THAT THE FATHER HAS GIVEN HIM - John 6:39

Saturday, July 3, 2010

An attitude of a winner

Attitude is Everything
By Francie Baltazar-Schwartz

Jerry was the kind of guy you love to hate. He was always in a good mood and always had something positive to say. When someone would ask him how he was doing, he would reply, "If I were any better, I would be twins!"
He was a unique manager because he had several waiters who had followed him around from restaurant to restaurant. The reason the waiters followed Jerry was because of his attitude. He was a natural motivator. If an employee was having a bad day, Jerry was there telling the employee how to look on the positive side of the situation.
Seeing this style really made me curious, so one day I went up to Jerry and asked him, "I don't get it! You can't be a positive person all of the time. How do you do it?" Jerry replied, "Each morning I wake up and say to myself, Jerry, you have two choices today. You can choose to be in a good mood or you can choose to be in a bad mood.' I choose to be in a good mood. Each time something bad happens, I can choose to be a victim or I can choose to learn from it. I choose to learn from it. Every time someone comes to me complaining, I can choose to accept their complaining or I can point out the positive side of life. I choose the positive side of life."
"Yeah, right, it's not that easy," I protested.
"Yes it is," Jerry said. "Life is all about choices. When you cut away all the junk, every situation is a choice. You choose how you react to situations. You choose how people will affect your mood. You choose to be in a good mood or bad mood. The bottom line: It's your choice how you live life."
I reflected on what Jerry said. Soon thereafter, I left the restaurant industry to start my own business. We lost touch, but often thought about him when I made a choice about life instead of reacting to it.
Several years later, I heard that Jerry did something you are never supposed to do in a restaurant business: he left the back door open one morning and was held up at gunpoint by three armed robbers. While trying to open the safe, his hand, shaking from nervousness, slipped off the combination. The robbers panicked and shot him. Luckily, Jerry was found relatively quickly and rushed to the local trauma center. After 18 hours of surgery and weeks of intensive care, Jerry was released from the hospital with fragments of the bullets still in his body.
I saw Jerry about six months after the accident. When I asked him how he was, he replied, "If I were any better, I'd be twins. Wanna see my scars?"
I declined to see his wounds, but did ask him what had gone through his mind as the robbery took place. "The first thing that went through my mind was that I should have locked the back door," Jerry replied. "Then, as I lay on the floor, I remembered that I had two choices: I could choose to live, or I could choose to die. I chose to live.
"Weren't you scared? Did you lose consciousness?" I asked. Jerry continued, "The paramedics were great. They kept telling me I was going to be fine. But when they wheeled me into the emergency room and I saw the expressions on the faces of the doctors and nurses, I got really scared. In their eyes, I read, 'He's a dead man. " I knew I needed to take action."
"What did you do?" I asked.
"Well, there was a big, burly nurse shouting questions at me," said Jerry. "She asked if I was allergic to anything. 'Yes,' I replied. The doctors and nurses stopped working as they waited for my reply.. I took a deep breath and yelled, 'Bullets!' Over their laughter, I told them, 'I am choosing to live. Operate on me as if I am alive, not dead."
Jerry lived thanks to the skill of his doctors, but also because of his amazing attitude. I learned from him that every day we have the choice to live fully. Attitude, after all, is everything.

This is a story that really inspires me.--

Our deepest Fear

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous ? Actually, who are you not to be ? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn't serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we're liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."

from A Return To Love: Reflections on the Principles of A Course in Miracles
Chapter 7, Section 3
by Marianne Williamson

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Barry Schwartz on the paradox of choice | Video on TED.com

Barry Schwartz on the paradox of choice | Video on TED.com

Philosophy...About Choice

I agree to some ideas.
My comment is-- life is a choice.
In order to have good choices we should know what we want and identify what we want, With this knowledge should be attached to truths about things and circumstances.
We can have best choice if we decide that--it is what we want for a good and purposeful reason. And in this way we will be satisfied with the choices we make and feel postive about it no matter how great the option the world offers for us to just pick one to decide.
For me, having a good choice is deciding to want it and and deal with it after the decision. Expect more out of it,thus we can determine another good choice the 2nd chance we do. Be appreciative and positive, and focusing about every thing we are into. We would never know what we miss if we don't.
It's how we live with the choice that matters wether a disappointment, or a satisfaction.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Amazing Christian Videos compiled for our use..

the WLC videos' Channel--Youtube.com------- http://www.youtube.com/thewlcvideos#p/u/12/hfih14Ogu-U

WLC website---http://www.worldslastchance.com/wlc-videos/english/latest.html

This WLC videos channel of youtube.com are compilations of videos for our use/watching and study. good place for searching to testify about Christianity's authenticity. These are good video materials for us to grasp everything that's happening and will happen, and the proof of the passed events and revelations.
It's a requirement too, that we know what the Bible says about the truth so that we can judge or discern what is really the truth that we can believe backing up  this video materials.Please read the Bible and make it a lifestyle. So far this WLC video compilations are a great help for me to discover and testify to my faith and with what I believe in.
I would like to share it with you guys, and I hope you will find something amazing to know, both in mind and in heart. If you believe in God,"Yahweh" it's important to know who He is, and where to find Him. Find Jesus! Read the Bible and search...

Saturday, May 29, 2010

GLC Confers Recognition Upon 717 Graduates

GLC Confers Recognition Upon 717 Graduates

I am inspired hearing Dr. Ramesh Richard's talk on leadership...
He is doing his purpose amazingly for God.

Extra din ako jan sa video..Hehehe..Find me...

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Innovating the Pambansang Pagkain--- Lucky Me Pancit Canton

Better than none, someone like me will resort to innovation when it's needed. Let's get serious on this...hehhehe.. There are circumstances in our lives that we need to stretch our imagination and creativity in building up better living amidst the unavoidable circumstances.

Lately, I often encounter a table finished from breakfast as I go home from work, without anything left for me to just eat out-rightly. As I looked at the scenario of disappointment, I initially found something to eat right thru the fridge, and stocks on the shelf. O girl! Need to work again over time just to eat, I complained to myself as I realize the need to cook so to eat before sleeping. No, I said to myself...I really need to eat before sleeping so not to disturb my sleep with groaning stomach. Over the shelf, I see 2 pack of Lucky Me Pancit Canton...The packaging states a chilimansi taste, and the graphic image is so inviting to cook.At least i was relieved of my disappointment on seeing them.That's why, If most of the people think that advertisement is no good,You're really wrong ...It pays off, we are influenced to purchase because of that.
Well going back...I planned to cook it...Thinking that it's plain and I will eat alike of a junkfood with a true instant and not so healthy to eat thingy. My imagination just popped in; resulting to act, to think of ways to make my Lucky Me Pancit Canton extraordinary to eat. I remembered that as I look inside the fridge there was a pack of Chopsuey vegetables, uncooked. In that pack of veggies are sliced: carrots,cabbage,sayote,broccoli,baguio beans and etc.basta gulay. I was kindda thinking to blend some of those veggies in my Lucky Me Pancit Canton..wohow!...sounds possible and compromising.A good possibility to compromise.
How will I do that?

I boiled some water for the pancit, as i waited. I sliced the veggies thinly so that it will be cooked quickly together witht the pancit for 3mins. Now, after the time,I drained everything in a strainer.The pancit and the veggies together are ready to be seasoned with the lucky me powder and oils. I mixed it. Bam! Everything was so extraordinary na talaga. I was so tremendously happy doing some innovation. This payed off my disappointment that morning.
The aroma of it was appetizing, and just gave me excitement eating it. Parang totoo, and healthy pa rin

Well, I would say.. We can be happy anytime, it's a choice. Stretch you imagination and give it a try to innovate....That is..

Chididi bap chibap! mwah! God bless...

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Never give up!----An inspiring testimony from Nick Vujicic

His life inspires me as he respond to the purpose of the Lord in his life despite the circumstances. He's a miracle to everyone.
He said," There's no point in being completed in the outside when you are broken in the inside."

*He found that,"God can heal us without changing our circumstances."

Why?, He questioned God...
God answers, "Do you trust me?"

It's all up to us on how to respond to that...
I will say Yes...He will make me say Yes...
Thanks nick!..You inspire me.

John 9----1As He passed by, He saw a man blind from birth.
2And His disciples asked Him, "Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he would be born blind?"

3Jesus answered, "It was neither that this man sinned, nor his parents; but it was so that the works of God might be displayed in him.

Monday, May 10, 2010

My hearty pick on the 2010 Philippine Presidential Election

Competence and character, these are the qualifications I learned from Pastor PTC based in the Bible when he preach on a  service last sunday. A week before the 2010 Philippine election.

exodus 18:21
"Furthermore, you shall select out of all the people able men who fear God, men of truth, those who hate dishonest gain; and you shall place these over them as leaders of thousands, of hundreds, of fifties and of tens.

I just want to highlight three pick of candidates from presidential, which I eye for the 2010 election.
I had one week to review all of them. Perhaps, they are ten all in all, running and competing to win the position.

My final picks among the eight candidates are: Gibo, Gordon and Noynoy.

Let's review them according to my view.As I review their qualifications over the internet thru forums and one on one interviews. I was so interested, for all the candidates has a say to lead the country,except one :{.
They share common good visions and aspirations on how to resolve major issues of the country, some of which are:for a better and progressive nation, a dignified filipino living and name and a transparent and clean governance (no graft and corruption).
So relievng to think and aspire too as a Filipino. I am not much interested in Philippine politics but now I stand to count for the change of this country.

To assesss them one by one:
Gibo is so intelligent and systematic.By having him as the president will mean a change of a stature of our country's leader. With integrity: more persuading and dignified representative of our nation to international affairs and relations. However, I think his lack of practicality and appeal for the mass will lead him to loosing the presidential position.So sad, we need a leader like just like him. "At least my matino man lang and my mukhang credible" that we can trust our nation for progress and hope. He is good and his platforms are systematic and have directions,although i can suspect that his project development will/ can be achieved in a slow pace terms, but sure progress. I just don't know exactly about his moral standing since he doesn't pay much attention saying about it. I believe, he agrees with artificial family planning. Which God forbids.
Let's go to Gordon--- Gordon is a man of action. He is intelligent in ways that gives practical solutions, have strong visions and promise to do it all at ones.But in some point-- is not systematic and realistic.It's easy to say things especially when all you think is for the common good of the people. However the question is--Is it achievable overtime?, as he had been promising?At a given time or resources, or reality we are into?
There have many factor to consider to think about it seriously before taking actions just that. He claims to be the most experienced in governance and public service among the presidential candidates. That's why with keen analysis, Gordon is my hearty pick for my yes, Why? Because, although he is small man, he has this big vision and passion to satisfy the need of the common filipino people. And strongly promise to do so.With his platforms and strategies in mind, I believe, faith and cooperation with all filipinos are compulsory to make it become achievable. Sadly, even I know he won't win the position, I still go for him as my principle shouts for it.
Noynoy was the initial pick of mine. At first I am confident because I surely knew that he's going to win.Considering the heart of the majority of Filipinos for him. We, Filipinos are sentimental and emotional.And these factor affects how we decide especially on major issues  publicly. Noynoy claims a "Matuwid na Pamamalakad," and he will do his best to serve the country. And if there will be in-capabilities he have, He will offer it to God, he humbly admits. Well, pretty logical for a Christian to absorb this thinking. I mean, yes, I agree. Base on his capabilities to lead, it's not so strong for me to have confidence of.Maybe, we will see. We can't claim that he has no good qualification to lead the country in terms of experience. Nevertheless it's not a concrete reason to consider.As far as I believe that he is a good man and that he is exposed to politics and public service for many years. Now, if given the chance to be the leader of the country, will be his prerogative to show everyone that he has a say and will have the chance to prove to his critics that they are mistakenly right about what they think of him. I believe that he posses the character to handle a clean governance, and it's a major factor to achieve progress and success for our country. I hope that he will be more concrete and will have a strong stand as a leader of our country, Philippines.

NEW UPDATE: May 11, 2010

Noynoy Aquino won the 2010 Philippine Presidential election-- not bad!
what's the say of his opponents in the race

GIBO admits defeat over noynoy----“I did not fight for a political position for myself but for an idea. What can we do right for the country? Winning or losing is secondary. We fight for an idea—an idea of competence. Basic education reform, college graduate opportunities for every family, food security, genuine sustainable agrarian reform, localized peace processes, strong foreign relations, and several others," he said.

GORDON concedes to noynoy--- Bagumbayan standard-bearer Richard "Dick" Gordon on Tuesday became the third presidential aspirant to concede defeat to Liberal Party’s Benigno “Noynoy" Aquino III.

In a statement posted on his official Facebook page, Gordon congratulated Aquino on his “spectacular victory" and called upon the nation to unite and support the new administration.

“We accept the will of the people," said Gordon who, as of 3:40 p.m., ranked 6th (446,203 votes) among nine presidential aspirants in GMANews.TV’s partial and unofficial tally.

“I ran a very truthful, straightforward and candid campaign and thought we could run on the basis of our platform, track record and volunteerism," he added in admitting his defeat.

He also said he would like to congratulate all the winners and pray that they serve the country well.

VILLAR--Binati si Noynoy: Pagkatalo tinanggap ni Villar
Sa ipinatawag nitong pulong balitaan, sinabi ni Villar na kinikilala niya ang napipintong panalo ang kanyang nakalaban na si Liberal Party presidential bet Sen Benigno “Noynoy" Aquino III.

“It was a fight well fought," ayon kay Villar na nagpahiwatig din ng sama ng loob sa mga paninira umanong inabot niya sa panahon ng kampanya.

Sinabi ni Villar na malinaw sa kanya ang naging pasya ng mamamayang Pilipino sa ginawang pagpili kay Aquino bilang susunod na pangulo. Nakatakdang bumaba sa puwesto si Pangulong Gloria Macapagal Arroyo sa Hunyo 30, 2010.

“Mga kababayan ko, humaharap ako sa inyo ngayon upang tanggapin ang pasyang ito. Upang igalang ang boses ng sambayanang Pilipino. I congratulate Sen. Noynoy Aquino on his victory. The challenges he and our country faces are enormous and we should all work together," ayon kay Villar.

-------Having read all of their comments about Noynoy's victory as the new president of the Philippines.
I'm impressed about their concedes and admittance.I believe it's painful, and not easy to just take this defeat. But they respected and been sport to the outcome of the race. They all ended clean and positive..I hope next  election..they will run again--- more better or else will have candidates that are very capable and qualified like them.

from-2010-05-11 15:38:35, ELEKSYON 2010, GMANEWSTV.COM

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mothers are a blessing to everyone

Who can find a virtuous woman? She is far more precious than jewels...
Strength and honor are her clothing, and she can laugh at the time to come.

She opens her mouth with wisdom, and loving instruction is on her tongue.
She watches over the activities of her household and is never idle.
Her sons rise up and call her blessed.
He husband also praises her:
Many women are capable, but you surpass them all!
Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting, but a woman who fears the Lord will be praised.

~Proverbs 31:10, 25-30

Happy Mother's day!, Mama...
I love you.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Monday, April 19, 2010

Fireflies visited Boni Ave...The 12th Tour of the Fireflies movement

It was Sunday the 18th day of April.Under-- over-- side-by-side,whew! I dunno where the heat of the sun came from, it is scorchinlgy felt every time of that day. I went to buy bigas (is rice)in the market for our lunch. We ran out of bigas, so I went there to buy. When I was about to cross the street to go home, I was being prevented by the moment. A moment I rarely come across with. The kalsada (boni highway) was full of bikers. I mean a lot of them with their bikes passing thru us, from all ages: men and women, kids and oldies.Outrageous! Looking at them ,they came a long way route: tired and overcoming for one goal-- to call everyone to imitate them and realize the consideration of their shout. Their efforts overwhelmed me and the event that took place. First thing in mind is that, Oh yeah! The all time issue about global warming again. Nevertheless, It's not that it's nothing to me, In fact I would love too, to join them if had earlier notice and if was invited, and then....Of course If I had a bike. However it would be easier if everyone could join and do ride it as forever with good understand by heart. They were thousands of them  that I can't wait to make the last one cycling biker pass thru me..Oh yes! My patience call me to cut the way and pass thru as fast as I can do it. However as I looked at it. I read the signs on their jersey..Saying "12th tour of the fireflies.." In my mind I wonder, Where on earth they found that name for their movement...Fireflies?,bike?,tour? Sounds pretty cool!...I love fireflies..They look amazing at night..They are like fairies flying all around, like tinker bell and friends. However, I just don't get the perfect idea for the event's name, since fireflies can bee seen just in the dark of the night with their glowing bodies. It didn't pass into my mind, and I keep on thinking about it. Maybe because I am interested and wanting to meddle to believe on their objective and principle.I search on the net about it when I got home and determined I was right. It's a climate change call to change.Having a clean air and sustainable communities as their goal.Pretty nice...
Imagine if instead of using cars, we would use bikes going to work or school, go errands or just something about anything that needs transportation. It is a good idea. And then I laugh about the imagination of limitless..How about the larger need to transport; like industrial or deliveries of large trades.. Can they still fit into bikes?..A ten wheeler bike!!!..Hehehhe..Just joking..I think, they will be exempted as far as reality is concerned..
The point is --CHANGE,"ADJUST.".. If it requires to go biking to save our lives and the earth.. Right now,now na..we have to act on it. With one mind and agreement in harmony it will give a lot of change than ignoring it and hoping to live for comforts longer enough as our imagination. Because sooner or later it will affect us drastically. The inconvenience of our wrong thinking about living in comfort--a slefish comfort for each one, doing our own ways to save our personal lives and not thinking the good of the whole. Perhaps God would prolong our extinction if we make efforts and sacrifice for this. I go for this.. Anyone can realize. If it matters to us the need for change, and if we look forward--the consequences of every action we made in the past, and the very thing that we are making at present. We would probably make ourselves be counted for this movement, and be responsible for taking responsibility on this.Allow ourselves to agree not to disagree.This is for us, for humanity. Everyone is involved. Even the cute animals who can't fight and survive for themselves. We are accounted to them..

I Want to be a firefly like them.. Even with no bike at this time I'm with them by heart.
By this time I can do long walking  if needed, instead of riding cars or buses.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Loneliness to offer

Loneliness,Oh loneliness.. Why you come so quickly than expected?
A thinking that can be the culprit to much more something complicated. Ones have not attended seriously, will create more mess. It is possible to be lonely without even thinking of something to be lonely about. Idle mind could give room for ideas. Ideas that satisfy the nature self, a sinful self.
They said," It's bad to do wrong. And its bad too, not to do right." It's you in the middle that gives you loneliness because you can't decide. hai life..Very fragile.Two things can be the perfect result in deciding..If you decide to be good, do it 100%,otherwise be the worst, 100%. Usually it's easy to say than done. It's easy to build something in mind,but is good for the mind only.
I wonder why sometimes I don't have the courage to place myself in the position of gratefulness--100%..I always want something that I don't have, and forbids not to have. Satan prepares for this defeat in me, where he can find room for him to enter and feed me such thoughts.Rationalizing and playing with my soft, gullible heart; wanting me to consider his lies.
Why can't life be so gentle to what it wants and what it needs too?, a murmuring heart again...
There's always; self- control,patience, perseverance and endurance to call it a life to fulfill. This life to become serious about will totally stretch who you are. To be drained for who you are,plus what you want so to have room for filling of the good ones that you need.
'till, when?," my patience is whispering. "Just die for it,cuca..."someone's whispering inside. I said too..."easy for you to say," a wrestling again for the Holy Spirit and self.And Satan is just right about the corner inside me as I wrestle, waiting for my defeat. When I'm tired of it, will have, time to breath deep, realizing that I'm powerless on my own over sin. Nearly crushed and broken to find the need to look up and gaze where the Father is. There He is waiting again. It is always been me drifting. So run again,cuca. To where He is. Just run, and never look back.

It's worth offering. I won again. Because I chose to listen to the love Jesus have for me. I won because I don't do impulsive decision and remember the promises Jesus have for me. I won because Jesus made me win the battle way long before that I knew,I am God's child. Remembering the Holy Spirit inside that I keep provoking to wrestle.. I used my stubbornness as He used his gentleness to make me calm and made me come to think and remember what was planted in me to hold. It's the power and authority that comes from God. These valuable gifts that will make me win the battle over sin from Satan. It's hard than it gets; To die from cell to cell, But harder to think to live by your own efforts. I am limited. If loneliness can be the spark to make me confident to do what I wante, to ease it or to do something out of the feeling. I am totally wrong. I am not living for the feeling alone but living more for what I am created for.
To offer to God this loneliness  is wiser than to dwell on it. Loneliness is a feeling not the truth to hold for.

For the love of God. For His Love. For His pleasure. For His glory. Die hard, Jesus is worth dying for.

"Such a tiny offering compared to Calvary nevertheless we lay this at Your Feet...."

For me its's harder to do your way without the blessings of the Lord than to persevere to obey Him, even if it doesn't feel comfortable--- and expect the best that you can have out of His pleasure.
This is what I am holding to from Him...Out of obedience,the best is yet to come...

"For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ." 
2Corinthians 10:3-5

"The eternal God is a dwelling place, and underneath are the everlasting arms; and He drove out the enemy from before you, and said, 'Destroy!'"

--Deuteronomy 33:27

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Quick Healthy Salmon Dish for Cathy

When someone came late for the feast, she can't have the celebration in full like she could just in time. As the host, we have to prepare again for a nice meal, equally or more amazingly. I do the honor by cooking a Salmon dish for Cathy. She's my sister's friend who came late for lunch.
She's cool! So it didn't matter how I spend effort for cooking. Absolutely! I am also excited to cook Salmon my way.So I had a slice of Salmon right from the fridge. Prepare it by sprinkling enough amount of Iodized salt.After that ,massaged a clove minced garlic and put chopped 6 leaves of basil on it , and sprinkled it with powdered black pepper to finish the marination .I imagined how it would taste when adding the ingridients one by one so not to overdo it.
In a Greasless Pan, I put butter, Just a little amount for a slice cooking. Had  low fire for that.And put the Marinated Salmon.a a!---I cooked it thru  low fire at first and when half cooked already, had it well done thru a medium fire. Approximately 10 to 12 minutes cooking.
Otherwise, if you want to try this dish your way,do either well done or half cooked. Just make sure that the meat is good to eat.
Your condiments for this is either lemon or whatever you want basta amazing.

Tada!ready to eat my friend...

Let's name this dish--- uhmmmm... Cuca's Healthy Herb Salmon
Yey! huh! kakapagod magisip...

My Resurrection Sunday full Lunch

We cook, friends came, we ate, we were happy and grateful!...

My sisters and I prepared good food this Sunday to celebrate Jesus Lordship. One of which is the Kish Lasagna cooked by Tin. She said the recipe came from someone in ADB (Asian Development Bank), It just spread out and we had it for a try. It's somewhat like a veggie Lasagna, the base was broccoli, spinach and mushroom, in a white sauce with less cheese in it. This is absolutely a no meat dish that's why it's a veggie type of foody. The taste was good, but I still prefer to eat the Meaty Lasagna. More tasty and fun.
Mars grilled Salmon.This was what made me full. I am not a fish lover but tasting this fish from Canada is a so winner type for me. It doesn't have a total fish taste at all, instead a milky and a soft on the tongue. I just Imagined if it melted on my tongue like a good description tells it.more good than Blue Marlin fish.hehehhe. Dipping it in a soy sauce or lemon alone and you're done!
The bread, lets talk about the bread. I discovered a bread to buy at Rustans. It's a country bread. Brownish because I guess it's a wheat bread, perfect for: side dishing for pasta, or just for hot chocolate, or balsamic vinegar for appetizing. We just had it for Lasagna, had cheese ball sliced and a nice wine to accompany the taste. Pats cooked Kaldereta.It sounds like fiesta...hehehe. I don't eat much of a saucy dish especially meat so I just ate a lil' just to taste. But all is good!
Maybe you wonder what I prepared for the lunch?Of course, I did the most critical part here. I had it all on the table.Well, an excuse because I had headache at that time.I help a little but significantly.
 Cathy came late, Tin's friend. She brought a choco caramel cake ( she forgot the title name..)from Cookie Korner of Rustans Shang. The taste was enormous too!

To assess, all it relieved my monstrous hunger..I thought of a nice siesta after. Cathy came,she was late for my Salmon story telling taste.To recap to her, I just cooked a Salmon in a different way; Buttery herbish styled dish. Check out later as I tell how it happened. Well, for the taste It was so nice, she concluded. charge it to me.heheheh joke lang...Actually my sis suggested too on how to cook it.
A happy heart again: for the food, for the sisters and friends, and an opportunity for the amazing experience again from God. So Thankful for Him for spicing my Sunday. His saving grace that totally free me from shouting how grateful I am. Truly, God is good! I wonder if He visited us and ate with us at that time? Yeah! He did.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Why Blog for Jesus?

Why not?

Penitence for others, gratefulness for me

Holy week is another moment to realize what Jesus have done for us way back thousand years ago. It is celebrated here in the Philippines. A season for religiosity especially for Roman Catholics. Having this realization it is evident that what happened in that glorious past of Jesus visit in the world have still strongly echoed in our present time through this season. For majority believers of Christ this is the time to appease our spirituality by examining our lives, our walk, and our direction in Him. For others just an opportunity to rest and be united with family. Whatever it may be, it is up to us on how to do it with the Lord, everything is permissible in our end. Having sacrificial effort for Christ like penitence is more on Physical offering. I appreciate it when one realize the need to repent and draw to God for reconciliation. And for me we are given privilege to do that every second of our lives, That's helpful. But as I find ways to realize how to feel the season, I came thinking sincerely on how I really view it, the sacrifice of Jesus for us. All I can see in my heart is the gratefulness that I feel for Him. That because of Him and what He has done for us has been totally the very reason why we have to be grateful. I just can't find any reason for penitential sacrifice that I should do to offer for what He has done, because It is already done by Jesus. Our sins was paid ones and for all right through the cross, where he offered Himself in behalf of us. Without Him doing that, we can't have this grace to have fellowship with God the Father, A holy and perfect God. And that we are still subject and livng under the law of his commandments.  That's why I am so grateful for Jesus for saving us and giving us this privilege to be with  God, Just through Him alone. Everyday we are to be grateful for that. Now as every one have their special ways to celebrate it, it's my opportunity to sensationalize the season to be more grateful and say it to Him in prayers. 2 thumbs up for Jesus! You're a major winner..Mwah!

Sunday, March 28, 2010


I woke up early for lunch. It's Monday already. Another day to start the week.  Browsing my cellphone I got a message from Ric, well he is my one. He's in Manila, he said. Yup!,closer to me than  not usual. We don't see each other for quite sometime since we decided not to do so to prove that we are totally for each other and to prepare ourselves for the big responsibility ahead. That "quite sometime" is not so quite short to think. One year and a half is a tremendous longing if  I could imagine, But by the grace of God, He is keeping us for each other. Proving that it's already half time of our agreement. 9months ago that I last saw him, but from time to time we keep communicating for some reasons and sometimes to create reasons. hehehehe... funny to know but that's how it goes. Going back to his text message this morning, he said he misses me. I had an idea to ask him to visit me here in my house, So I asked although not a good Idea. well it just didn't work. We will  leave it to the 9 more months after when we are finally permitted to meet each other; more sweet, more overcoming, more rewarding, more faithful, more from God. Yes! longing and looking forward. As we say it, We may be far from each other practically yet God is bringing us closer through Him when we pray and obey what is right for both of us. God is faithful when your heart is right with Him.
 Longing with a smile....

God with us by Mercy Me

God with us is an amazing song I love to hear.
It's a Christian contemporary song by the popular band Mercy Me.
I love what the lyrics tells us. especially the part, "Such a tiny offering compared to Calvary nevertheless we lay this at Your Feet....",an ad lib of the song. It speaks to me in a cool way how Jesus humbled down himself to sacrifice his life for a sinner like me. Well, we can think of  this most of the time but through this song, we can realize that our efforts or our offerings to appreciate what he has done for us is so tiny compared to the love he manifest through the cross. It doesn't sound demanding. It's just to make us realize that despite how undeserving we are and how tiny our offering may be, Jesus is pleased as long as it comes from our hearts.  It's the love of God that permits us to enter His presence nothing more nothing less.His presence that's fulfills our lives.
so check out this cool and feel good song by Mercy Me

Beautiful Saviour

Last fridayat the office as I worked till morning, I got bored and so sleepy, so I decided to listen to music. I typed in to my URL box the Youtube website.Having no new song in mind to select from, I remembered the " Beautiful Savior song by Casting Crowns", so, I typed in . I came across with this song.." Beautiful Saviour", I thought it was from the Casting Crowns as I listened to it initialy.Well, guess what?It was not. I don't sound disappointed upon listening to it. In fact, I discovered a new cool song for my ear for Jesus.Yey! I love this song. It refreshed me and helped me to stay awake because that time I was so sleepy at work. heheeh...This song is a feel good to my ear . I wonder why God surprises me with little things such as this, even I don't exactly request it to Him. God loves me so much to give what I need for the moment. A nice song for my ear. Just in time.
mababaw cgro pro ayos.sakto lng. I hope you will love this too...

I Love You Lord,. You're amazing!