
Sunday, April 11, 2010

Loneliness to offer

Loneliness,Oh loneliness.. Why you come so quickly than expected?
A thinking that can be the culprit to much more something complicated. Ones have not attended seriously, will create more mess. It is possible to be lonely without even thinking of something to be lonely about. Idle mind could give room for ideas. Ideas that satisfy the nature self, a sinful self.
They said," It's bad to do wrong. And its bad too, not to do right." It's you in the middle that gives you loneliness because you can't decide. hai life..Very fragile.Two things can be the perfect result in deciding..If you decide to be good, do it 100%,otherwise be the worst, 100%. Usually it's easy to say than done. It's easy to build something in mind,but is good for the mind only.
I wonder why sometimes I don't have the courage to place myself in the position of gratefulness--100%..I always want something that I don't have, and forbids not to have. Satan prepares for this defeat in me, where he can find room for him to enter and feed me such thoughts.Rationalizing and playing with my soft, gullible heart; wanting me to consider his lies.
Why can't life be so gentle to what it wants and what it needs too?, a murmuring heart again...
There's always; self- control,patience, perseverance and endurance to call it a life to fulfill. This life to become serious about will totally stretch who you are. To be drained for who you are,plus what you want so to have room for filling of the good ones that you need.
'till, when?," my patience is whispering. "Just die for it,cuca..."someone's whispering inside. I said too..."easy for you to say," a wrestling again for the Holy Spirit and self.And Satan is just right about the corner inside me as I wrestle, waiting for my defeat. When I'm tired of it, will have, time to breath deep, realizing that I'm powerless on my own over sin. Nearly crushed and broken to find the need to look up and gaze where the Father is. There He is waiting again. It is always been me drifting. So run again,cuca. To where He is. Just run, and never look back.

It's worth offering. I won again. Because I chose to listen to the love Jesus have for me. I won because I don't do impulsive decision and remember the promises Jesus have for me. I won because Jesus made me win the battle way long before that I knew,I am God's child. Remembering the Holy Spirit inside that I keep provoking to wrestle.. I used my stubbornness as He used his gentleness to make me calm and made me come to think and remember what was planted in me to hold. It's the power and authority that comes from God. These valuable gifts that will make me win the battle over sin from Satan. It's hard than it gets; To die from cell to cell, But harder to think to live by your own efforts. I am limited. If loneliness can be the spark to make me confident to do what I wante, to ease it or to do something out of the feeling. I am totally wrong. I am not living for the feeling alone but living more for what I am created for.
To offer to God this loneliness  is wiser than to dwell on it. Loneliness is a feeling not the truth to hold for.

For the love of God. For His Love. For His pleasure. For His glory. Die hard, Jesus is worth dying for.

"Such a tiny offering compared to Calvary nevertheless we lay this at Your Feet...."

For me its's harder to do your way without the blessings of the Lord than to persevere to obey Him, even if it doesn't feel comfortable--- and expect the best that you can have out of His pleasure.
This is what I am holding to from Him...Out of obedience,the best is yet to come...

"For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ." 
2Corinthians 10:3-5

"The eternal God is a dwelling place, and underneath are the everlasting arms; and He drove out the enemy from before you, and said, 'Destroy!'"

--Deuteronomy 33:27

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