
Monday, April 19, 2010

Fireflies visited Boni Ave...The 12th Tour of the Fireflies movement

It was Sunday the 18th day of April.Under-- over-- side-by-side,whew! I dunno where the heat of the sun came from, it is scorchinlgy felt every time of that day. I went to buy bigas (is rice)in the market for our lunch. We ran out of bigas, so I went there to buy. When I was about to cross the street to go home, I was being prevented by the moment. A moment I rarely come across with. The kalsada (boni highway) was full of bikers. I mean a lot of them with their bikes passing thru us, from all ages: men and women, kids and oldies.Outrageous! Looking at them ,they came a long way route: tired and overcoming for one goal-- to call everyone to imitate them and realize the consideration of their shout. Their efforts overwhelmed me and the event that took place. First thing in mind is that, Oh yeah! The all time issue about global warming again. Nevertheless, It's not that it's nothing to me, In fact I would love too, to join them if had earlier notice and if was invited, and then....Of course If I had a bike. However it would be easier if everyone could join and do ride it as forever with good understand by heart. They were thousands of them  that I can't wait to make the last one cycling biker pass thru me..Oh yes! My patience call me to cut the way and pass thru as fast as I can do it. However as I looked at it. I read the signs on their jersey..Saying "12th tour of the fireflies.." In my mind I wonder, Where on earth they found that name for their movement...Fireflies?,bike?,tour? Sounds pretty cool!...I love fireflies..They look amazing at night..They are like fairies flying all around, like tinker bell and friends. However, I just don't get the perfect idea for the event's name, since fireflies can bee seen just in the dark of the night with their glowing bodies. It didn't pass into my mind, and I keep on thinking about it. Maybe because I am interested and wanting to meddle to believe on their objective and principle.I search on the net about it when I got home and determined I was right. It's a climate change call to change.Having a clean air and sustainable communities as their goal.Pretty nice...
Imagine if instead of using cars, we would use bikes going to work or school, go errands or just something about anything that needs transportation. It is a good idea. And then I laugh about the imagination of limitless..How about the larger need to transport; like industrial or deliveries of large trades.. Can they still fit into bikes?..A ten wheeler bike!!!..Hehehhe..Just joking..I think, they will be exempted as far as reality is concerned..
The point is --CHANGE,"ADJUST.".. If it requires to go biking to save our lives and the earth.. Right now,now na..we have to act on it. With one mind and agreement in harmony it will give a lot of change than ignoring it and hoping to live for comforts longer enough as our imagination. Because sooner or later it will affect us drastically. The inconvenience of our wrong thinking about living in comfort--a slefish comfort for each one, doing our own ways to save our personal lives and not thinking the good of the whole. Perhaps God would prolong our extinction if we make efforts and sacrifice for this. I go for this.. Anyone can realize. If it matters to us the need for change, and if we look forward--the consequences of every action we made in the past, and the very thing that we are making at present. We would probably make ourselves be counted for this movement, and be responsible for taking responsibility on this.Allow ourselves to agree not to disagree.This is for us, for humanity. Everyone is involved. Even the cute animals who can't fight and survive for themselves. We are accounted to them..

I Want to be a firefly like them.. Even with no bike at this time I'm with them by heart.
By this time I can do long walking  if needed, instead of riding cars or buses.

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