
Sunday, March 28, 2010

God with us by Mercy Me

God with us is an amazing song I love to hear.
It's a Christian contemporary song by the popular band Mercy Me.
I love what the lyrics tells us. especially the part, "Such a tiny offering compared to Calvary nevertheless we lay this at Your Feet....",an ad lib of the song. It speaks to me in a cool way how Jesus humbled down himself to sacrifice his life for a sinner like me. Well, we can think of  this most of the time but through this song, we can realize that our efforts or our offerings to appreciate what he has done for us is so tiny compared to the love he manifest through the cross. It doesn't sound demanding. It's just to make us realize that despite how undeserving we are and how tiny our offering may be, Jesus is pleased as long as it comes from our hearts.  It's the love of God that permits us to enter His presence nothing more nothing less.His presence that's fulfills our lives.
so check out this cool and feel good song by Mercy Me

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